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We''ll help you find it!


What is your story?  What do you need to tell it?   Whether floating unseen in the online universe or hidden in the dark corners of an old Kentucky warehouse, SMS can help you find the perfect footage, photos, headlines or any other element needed to perfectly illustrate your editorial vision with creative purpose. 


We'll help you license it!


I love this shot..but can I legally include it in my show? If there is a will, we will help you find the way. If it includes a celebrity, trademark or logo, or is subject to any of the Entertainment Guilds or Unions, use of your footage, photos or other items may require additional clearance.  Figuring out the rights issues and the clearance actions required can be complicated, confusing, and time-consuming.  SMS can help you identify any rights issues as well as budget and clear any necessary elements so your project is legally sound and ready for your audience.


We'll help you produce it!

Need someone to take the reins and focus on producing all of your archival elements? We got it handled.  While working closely with your director we will collaborate and help create his/her vision. We can help set up interviews and coordinate production logistics as well as create and track clearance budgets and fully administrate your project.


We'll help you get it done!

The devil is in the details and sometimes there just is not the time to do it all. SMS is also here to support your entertainment attorney or legal department.  We can help with fact checking, statement substantiation, drafting, due diligence research and document prep, chain of title research, contract research, licensing/distribution, intellectual property registration, marketing/advertising issues as well as administrating delivery.

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